Useful info
Our Open Hours are Monday - Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm. We are closed on Weekends and Statutory Holidays.
We are located at 8305 Bowness Rd. NW, Calgary, AB.
We work by appointment. Use our scheduler to book your basic service appointments. If repairs are required that exceed the time allotted for your appointment, we will call you to arrange a time to complete those repairs. Please remember that even though you book a specific time slot, we still prefer to have your vehicle for the day. Some work requires multiple days, and some work does not require the entire day. For planning purposes, you should expect to leave your vehicle here with us until we call you or it’s time to close up. If the vehicle is not dropped off before 10am, it may not be looked at that same day.
We tend to book approximately 3-5 days in advance
Lead times vary by season. Summertime is busy, January / February tends to be slower.
Yes, you can drop your vehicle off before we open. To drop off your vehicle before 8am, park your vehicle in an empty stall on our lot or on 40th Ave beside the shop. Please do not leave your vehicle in front of the bay doors. Remove all your valuables and lock up your vehicle. There is a sign-in / keybox on the front bay door wall. There should be forms and pencils available (we restock them each night, but sometimes they get stolen). Write your information on the form — most important is to sign the form authorizing us to do an initial inspection of your vehicle and the best phone number to contact you at. Fill out the rest of the form and deposit it with your key into the lockbox. When the office opens, we will call to confirm that we have received your vehicle and make sure we understand what you want us to do with it! We can be very busy in the mornings, so if you have not received a call about your vehicle, be sure to check in around 9:30am or 10am to see what’s up.
Yes, we work on new cars. So you just bought a new car from the dealership… Congratulations! You might be wondering if we can service your new car here at Bowest Motors. Well, yes we can! Dealerships will often lead you to believe that they are the only ones that can maintain your new car. However, that is not the case (see the Automotive Industry Association of Canada notice to consumers).
At Bowest Motors, we take pride in offering you professional certified Automotive Service Technicians and Apprentices backed by top quality equipment to maintain your new pride and joy. We have access to original factory parts for your vehicle and will only use parts recommended by the manufacturer for servicing while your vehicle is under warranty.
So when do I have to use a dealership? You will have to take your new car to the dealership when you have an Owner’s Recall Notice or a legitimate warranty claim. If something is broken and it’s covered by warranty, the Manufacturer’s dealership is the only one who can replace it for free.
What to do while you wait? Ideally, you’ll have something else to do besides wait for us to fix your car (we’ll typically want your car for the day). You know, go for lunch with a friend, head into work, go home for a nap, or whatever happy things there are to do in your life. However, sometimes all you can do is wait in the neighbourhood. So, with that in mind, here’s some ideas:
during the summer, head over to Bowness Park on and enjoy time at the lagoon.
walk down to our favourite cafe – Cadence Coffee and enjoy some of the finest coffee and cafe food in the city.
call your friend and tell them to meet you at Salt & Pepper for a margarita on the patio or head to Leopold’s Tavern for a bucket of bacon.
explore the unique and interesting shops of downtown Bowness. Visit the Library and read a book.
in the winter, bring your skis or skates, grab a complimentary bus ticket and head up to COP for a few turns or hit the lagoon at Bowness Park for a skate.
Ask us for a complimentary bus ticket and hop on the #1 Bus to downtown at stop #7479 in front of the shop (follow the link and enter stop #7479 into the search feature for times).